
Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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Caseating granulomatous disease
Inhalation of infection and alveolar macrophage engulfs bacterium.
Granuloma formation and enlargement of draining lymph nodes (Ghon complex)


Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Mild Disease: May have relatively few signs 
Severe disease: Weight loss, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, erythema nodosum
Chest: Dull upper zones with crackles.


Cough lasting > 3 weeks unresponsive to antibiotics, creamy white sputum, haemoptysis, upper lobe cavitation, fever, night sweats, weight loss


Chest X-Ray: Miliary shadowing, hilar lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, cavitating 
patchy consolidation in upper lobes, Ghon complex, signs of old TB
Mantoux (tuberculin skin test): Positive after 4-8 weeks on development of cell mediated immune response
Sputum culture: Acid Fast Bacilli on Ziehl-Neelsen staining
Tissue for histology: Caseating granulomas 


6 months anti-tuberculous chemotherapy in uncomplicated TB  and contact tracing


Usually good with treatment
Cavitation leading to massive haemoptysis: 
Rasmussen’s aneurysm (bronchial artery runs close to cavity and is eroded) 
Drug side effects

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