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Pathogenesis unknown – a migraine attack consist of a sequence of phases –                                   prodromal, aura, headache  and post-drome.
Classical migraine: Migraine with visual aura
Common migraine: Migraine without visual aura
Hemiplegic migraine: Sporadic or familial – associated with calcium/sodium 
channel mutations


Mechanism of migraine remains unclear. 
Possibly genetic as tends to be more common in patients with family history. 
Triggers: food such as chocolate, cheese etc, exercise, menses, hunger, lack of sleep, stress, combined oral contraceptive pill


Prodromal Phase: Nil
Aura Phase: Weakness, parasthesia and hemiparesis
Headache Phase: Photophobia, phonophobia


Prodromal Phase: Non specific symptoms such as difficult concentration, irritability, hunger, excessive yawning, tiredness
Aura phase: Visual symptoms such as scintillations, zigzag lines, scotomas; somatosensory symptoms such as parasthesia and dysphasia 
Headache Phase: Unilateral throbbing or pulsating and nausea.


Nil as clinical diagnosis 
Consider brain imaging in atypical migraine or in the presence of red flags


Acute: Aspirin, Paracetamol, NSAIDs, Anti-emetics, Triptans.
Prophylactic: Beta blockers, Pizotifen, Antiepileptic drugs such as Topiramate and 
Sodium Valproate, Amitriptyline and Methysergide


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris.