
Huntinton's Disease

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An inherited progressive neurodegenerative disorder causing abnormal involuntary movements (chorea), psychotic symptoms, cognitive decline and dementia


Autosomal dominant trinucleotide repeat disorder due to mutation in Huntingtin gene on short arm of chromosome 4


Choreiform movements, dystonia and ballism


Early Symptoms: Personality changes, memory deficits, decreased executive skills 
and slowing of saccadic eye movements. 
Later Symptoms: Depression, anxiety, irritability, aggression, obsessive-
compulsive behavior, falls, speech and swallowing issues.


Bloods: Genetic counseling for patient and family
Imaging: MRI brain may show atrophy of caudate lobe


Chorea: Tetrabenazine.
Depression: Antipsychotics/SSRIs/benzodiazepines
Dysphagia: Modified diet, PEG feeding
MDT Approach: Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, SALT and family input


Average survival after onset of symptoms is around 20 years.
Pneumonia, cardiac disease and suicide

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