
Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis

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Nephrotic Syndrome in which only some of the glomeruli are affected in a region of the glomerulus leading to renal scarring.


Primary: Idiopathic 
Secondary: IgA nephropathy, Obesity, Heroin use, HIV, ureteric reflux


Marked pitting oedema, ascites and pleural effusions


Swollen legs, weight gain, lethargy, shortness of breath.


Bloods: FBC, U&E, LFT’s, lipid profile glucose, myeloma screen, ANA
MSU: Urine dipstick and protein: creatinine ratio
Renal Biopsy: Partially sclerosed glomeruli


Medical: Steroid therapy, immunosuppression


Majority develop renal failure within 10 years.
Renal failure 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris.